I've recently heard that a few times from folk I have not met before. I was at the Whitewater Brewery for fish and chips two nights ago sitting at one of the outdoor tables when I saw two gents pull up on their Japanese sport touring bikes, all funny angles and the promise of deadly speed, and park behind me. A few minutes later an older couple exits the restaurant and approaches the truck I parked beside. The old duffer is giving my bike some heavy eyeball when I noticed that he didn't even look at the other two cycles. Today at lunchtime I was backing the bike into a parking spot when a very attractive young woman gave me a smile that made me feel sixteen years old (in an aww shucks kind of way). Poor girl, she would want to take that back once I ballooned out of the jacket and exposed my fat bald head. After the meal as I was getting back on the bike two city workers were heading to the chip truck when they took the time to compliment me on my bike. Sweet! On a less s...